Welcome to the second issue of our NINTH year of STADIUM TECH REPORTS, the Summer 2022 issue! These long-form reports are designed to give stadium and large public venue owners and operators, and digital sports business executives a way to dig deep into the topic of stadium technology, via exclusive research and profiles of successful stadium technology deployments, as well as news and analysis of topics important to this growing market.
Our stories for this issue include an in-depth look at UBS Arena, the new home of the New York Islanders, as well as a look at the new field of IoT (Internet of Things) connectivity in stadium restrooms. We also have a market-research update on the deployment of “checkout-free” concessions stands in stadiums, with updates from the top three providers in the field.
You can also download a PDF of the full report.
We’d like to take a quick moment to thank our sponsors, which for this issue include Verizon, ExteNet, MatSing, Cox Business/Hospitality Network, Boingo, American Tower, and AmpThink. Their generous sponsorship makes it possible for us to offer this content free of charge to our readers.
We’d also like to welcome members of the The Association of Luxury Suite Directors (ALSD) and the International Association of Venue Managers (IAVM), who now have access to Stadium Tech Report content. We’d also like to welcome readers from the Inside Towers community, who may have found their way here via our ongoing partnership with the excellent publication Inside Towers.
As always, we are here to hear what you have to say: Send me an email to [email protected] and let us know what you think of our STADIUM TECH REPORT series.