Welcome to the second issue of our TENTH year of STADIUM TECH REPORTS, the Summer 2023 issue! These long-form reports are designed to give stadium and large public venue owners and operators, and digital sports business executives a way to dig deep into the topic of stadium technology, via exclusive research and profiles of successful stadium technology deployments, as well as news and analysis of topics important to this growing market.
This issue we are trying something new, with one extremely in-depth report on the innovative concessions operation at CityPark in St. Louis, the new home for the Major League Soccer expansion team, St. Louis City SC. We hope you enjoy our in-person visit insights as well as several individual interviews with the local food providers who make up 100 percent of the stadium’s food options.
Other breakout parts of our report include close-up looks at all the different technologies deployed, as well as an overall look at the plan to have only 100 percent local food providers in the stadium. Here are quick links to all seven parts of the story plus our column:
Part 2: The technology powering the operation
Part 3: The Food: Hard to match St. Louis’ menu
Part 4: Provider close-up: Farmtruk
Part 5: Provider close-up: Balkan Treat Box
Part 6: Provider close-up: Anthonino’s Taverna
Part 7: How does it all work?
Column: Local-provider concessions in St. Louis looks like a winner
For lean-back reading, you can also download a PDF of the full report with more photos!
We’d like to take a quick moment to thank our sponsors, which for this issue include Verizon, MatSing, Boldyn Networks (formerly Mobilitie), JMA, Boingo, CommScope, American Tower, and AmpThink. Their generous sponsorship makes it possible for us to offer this content free of charge to our readers.
We’d also like to welcome members of the The Association of Luxury Suite Directors (ALSD) and the International Association of Venue Managers (IAVM), who now have access to Stadium Tech Report content. We’d also like to welcome readers from the Inside Towers community, who may have found their way here via our ongoing partnership with the excellent publication Inside Towers. As always, we are here to hear what you have to say: Send me an email to [email protected] and let us know what you think of our STADIUM TECH REPORT series.