It’s that time of the year again, when we ask all our stadium technology professionals to share their insights by taking our annual Stadium Connectivity Outlook survey!
If you are one of our readers who is directly involved with the selection, deployment or approval of in-venue technology deployments (and this can be an in-house or outside consultant role), I ask — help us here at Stadium Tech Report help your peers by taking the survey, which is live now on our site. Like the previous two years, it is short and can be taken on your phone, in just a few minutes’ time.
As always, survey takers not only get to bask in the glow of having done a great thing for their peers by sharing their insights, they also get a free copy of the full survey results as well as our white-paper analysis. We will also be conducting a live webinar after the survey results are published this fall, so GET YOUR REPLIES IN NOW so that your innovations, strategies and deployments can be part of the overall industry knowledge!
To answer one question that comes up every year — who should take the survey? — we answer with, it’s easy. If you are responsible for or have accurate knowledge of the technology deployments inside a venue, you are qualified. Typically that means anyone in the IT staff for a team, school or venue, as well as third-party contractors or partners who have close enough knowledge to answer our short list of questions can participate.
And if you’re worried about approval or potential backlash from providing answers, don’t be. All answers provided in this survey will be kept completely anonymous, with no personal or organization information attached. Results will only be published as compilations of answers from all respondents.
Here is the link to the survey ! Take the survey NOW! We, and your industry peers, thank you for your time.