Building on Stadium Tech Report’s exploration of concessions automation, we’re kicking off a series focused on venue security that dives into efforts to eliminate crowding at stadium entries while preserving hard-won gains in stadium security.

Look below for links to all parts of our “Security Scanners Market Report,” including explanations of how any why this technology came to market, analysis why it is rapidly gaining acceptance, and profiles of all the major vendors currently serving the stadium marketplace.
Our thanks to all the security vendors who took the time to speak with us to provide information about their products and what their customers have been asking for. Also thanks to our stadium and venue sources who provided invaluable background information (and also in some cases gave us access to their venues to witness security scanning procedures) about this important market segment.
Part 1: Stadiums are rapidly adopting new walk-through security scanners
Part 2: Exception processing, and preventing tragedy
Part 3: Who are the providers in the stadium security scanner marketplace?
For individual profiles of the leading walk-through security scanning devices, follow these links: