With 5G cellular services starting to appear in more and more sports venues, the question we had for our audience of stadium IT professionals was, what do you plan to do with the new technology? According to the responses to our Stadium Connectivity Outlook survey, venues see 5G and mobile edge computing (MEC) as technologies that will help them bring new content experiences to their guests, enhancing the fan experience with features like more live streaming broadcast choices, augmented or virtual reality overlays, and even in-game betting opportunities.
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The low latency and high throughput of 5G cellular services seems well tailored for a venue environment, especially so for sports where more forms of content always seem attractive. According to our survey, venue IT respondents said content contribution and distribution was the top choice when asked which 5G/MEC applications might have the most impact on their business. Live streaming broadcasts was the second item on the response list, followed by reduced infrastructure costs and then by the possibility of having AR/VR options for content as well. Clearly, venues see both a business opportunity and a way to enhance the fan experience by using the properties of 5G cellular and MEC. Download our full results and white paper to get more insights from your venue IT peers!