If you are a stadium technology professional, there may be no bigger change than to move from working at a baseball stadium to a busy indoor arena, where multiple different events mean a much different menu of challenges than a steady diet of baseball games. Listen in as we talk to Andrew McIntyre, senior vice president of technology and innovation...
We've come a long way, haven't we, from leaky coax to MatSing Lens antennas? As we start the 10th year of our quarterly Stadium Tech Report publications, permit me if you will a short look back to see where it all started and where we are now. The good news is, after a decade of writing about as many stadium...
For a long, long, time, there was almost zero innovation around stadium concession operations. But that's simply no longer the case. The intersection of new technologies and increased fan and business demands have spurred an explosion in concession innovation, from optical-scanner self-checkout machines to checkout-free stores, to systems that let you use your face to buy a beer. What's driving...
Looking back at 2022, it's easy to proclaim it as a banner year for stadium technology. Innovation on multiple fronts arrived, not just as ideas but actual products and services that brought immediate improvement to stadium business areas like concessions, ticketing, security and infrastructure. Will 2023 bring more acceleration of new ideas and technology deployments as venues continue to try...
While the return of fans to full venues is generally seen as a good thing, the resumption of events has also seen the rise of some unintended and unwanted consequences, mainly in the areas of venue safety and security. Venue owners and operators have seen a noticeable rise in uncivil behavior by crowds, caused perhaps in part by tensions created...
BOULDER, Colo. -- IDmission is on a mission. A mission to help bring faster and more secure ID and age verification and payments verification to stadium concession operations. To be clear, it's not the company's only mission. In fact, it's currently only a very small part of IDmission's overall business, in which it serves more than 100 large financial institutions...